Surface fluxes in Tibet: AAN and GAME Reanalysis (Yatagai) Tibet, MS3478 (North PAM) station (31.9 N, 91.7 E), 1-15 July 1998 Black=AAN; Red=GAME Reanalysis 1.1; Blue = ECMWF operational (Yatagai et al. 2003, Proc. Asia-Pacific Hydrol. & Water Res.) Further results (Yatagai et al. 2003, IUGG JWM01): Latent heat flux at AAN Amdo station (32.2 N, 91.6 E) is smaller. MS3478 (earth hummock area) may be wetter than areal average. GAME Reanalyses may be overestimating LH flux here. GAME Reanalysis 1.5 ... not much different from 1.1 in this season. Different in late April due to snow cover input (1.1 used climatology).